Hiroron Labs :: WinKey

 2025年2月28日(金) 16:27 JST

Now you have "wkyGeeklog Installer 1.1.0" ! the super simple installation tool

Now we present you "wkyGeeklog Installer" version 1.1.0! which supports universal CMS, the Geeklog installation.

This wkyGeeklog Installer makes the process before install surprisingly easier
What you do is just start up this software, fill in the form on the screen and click "Start Install" button.  That's all.

Just one click will make short work with following process.

* Download latest Geeklog Japanese version.

* Decompress downloaded files

* Auto writing of various basic settings into necessary files.

* Auto uploading files with FTP

* Auto attribute settings of uploaded files and directories.

* Start-up the browser install screen (install.php)

.NET Framework 2.0 is needed to perform this software.

Presented by: Hiroron
Distributed at: https://hiroron.com/
Download to: https://hiroron.com/filemgmt/index.php?id=9

Refer the Japanese documents which got good review at Geeklog seminar in Osaka  on 2007/12/15.

タグ:geeklog install wkyinstaller wkygeekloginstaller


このエントリのトラックバックURL: https://hiroron.com/trackback.php/2007122523443941_en

Now you have "wkyGeeklog Installer 1.1.0" ! the super simple installation tool | 0 コメント | アカウント登録